Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Chapter 3: The Way

Bo's POV

With my sister being in the hospital, my other sister having the truck, my parents not answering neither of they phones, and running 45 minutes to the hospital, my and the guys said FUCK THIS FOOTBALL GAME. Family always comes first... even tho' it's homecoming and we was supposed to kick some Astro ass... oh well. We'll still fuck shit up for the homecoming dance.

"Did you call Mama and Daddy?" Nicki slowly walked up to me and sat beside me as we all waited in the waiting area to hear some news about my sister.

I rolled my eyes in irritation. I wasn't irritated at her, but all this shit that happened today is fucked up. "I called both of them," I exhaled deeply. "Dukes and Pops. No answer." I looked at her and she looked at me then looked away.

"You know wassup with Lira?" I questioned. Nicki bit her lip, chewed on it, looked down at her nails, then back at me. "Well... do you?"


"Bullshit." I called her out because I knew she was lying.

Nicki then looked at Tina, who looked at Trey, who looked at me. Then I looked back at Nicki.

"Yo one of y'all better speak up. It seem like Nic and Tina know something about Lira that we don't." Trey called them out right before I had the chance to.

"T you know?" Nicki asked Tina who nodded her head meekly.

"She's pregnant." Nicki stated.

"And she's still dieting and wearing her waist trainer, and doesn't know how far along she is." Tina said and trailed off at the end to make it seem like we ain't hear her, but I'm pretty damn sure we heard her loud and clear.

I guess Lexi saw my demeanor change and came over and sat on  my lap. I gripped her waist tightly to keep from losing my temper.

Nicki's POV

I feel so bad... and scared as shit. The look on Trey's face made me feel bad because he's just finding out about this when we all know that he should've been the first person to know about the pregnancy, not me and Tina.

Then the look on my brother's face scared me shitless. He's always been so overprotective over us our since we were 5, so I can't even imagine what's going through that nigga head. What worries me is what he may or may not say to Lira. Actually... I don't know what's worse; my parents reaction or what my brother is gonna say to my sister.

When I saw Bo's demeanor change I was so thankful that Lexi hopped up and kept him seated because I knew he was gonna do something that he might regret. I cautiously got up and went to Trey's aid with Drake. Trey had his head in his hands. I stood behind him and soothingly rubbed his back in a calming matter.

"It's gonna be okay. Lira's gonna be okay. The baby will be okay."

I hope.

"How you know?"

"I know for a fact that they'll be okay." I confirmed.

"Promise?" He lifted his head and turned around to face me with a pleading look in his eyes.

"I promise." I lied. I can't make any promises.

Trey's POV

I couldn't help but think the worst. When it comes down to my girl I get overly dramatic... and I can say the same thing for Bo, Drizzy, Zave, and Quis. We start acting like lil' bitches when its something wrong with our girls.

Like what if she lost the baby?
What if something is wrong with the baby and we gotta be very careful and cautious during the entire pregnancy?

I can't even imagine... I just want my girl and my baby to be okay. But I have wayyyy too many questions that only Lira can answer.

How far along is she?
Is it a girl or boy?
When did she find out she was pregnant?
Why wasn't I the first to know?
Does she wanna keep the baby?
Did she tell her parents?
What the hell we gonna do?
What's the plan for the future?
Will we still be together

I want answers and I want them now.

Brittany's POV

I walked up over to Nicki because we all need her parents here before the doctor comes out. Shit we been waiting damn near 3 hours how many fucking tests they gotta do?

"Here give me your car keys and house keys. I'm gonna drive your car back to your house and go get your parents and bring them back here. Zave, Lexi, Tina, Day, and Quis all ride with me so we can get dressed for homecoming. Trey, Drake, and Bo you stay here with Nicki until we come back. Hopefully by the time we get back the doctor should be here. And Drake keep ya eye on Bo so he won't do nothin' stupid. We ain't got time to be bailin' niggas out." I instructed as Nicki gave me both sets of keys.

"Wait, we're going to Nicki's house to get her parents and get dressed and come back here?" Day asked me for confirmation. I nodded my head and walked out.

"But me, Nic and Trey still gotta get dressed." Drake made a face.

"If we're not back in 2 hours then call me." I turned back around and locked eyes with Nicki. In return, she blew me a kiss and I kept walking with everyone behind me.

We still gotta do hair and make-up. Maybe I'll have the boys get dressed and take Nicki's parents back to the hospital because girls take too much damn time to get ready. So, we'll probably take Lira's BMW back to the hospital. It's 'bouta be a lotta back and forth since Trey, Nic, Drake, Bo, and possibly Lira still need to get dressed. Oh well... We can figure this out. The football game not even over yet ad i looked at my watch. We still have another 5 hours because the game just started... literally just started.

Drake's POV

I rolled my eyes at Brittany who had already left. She dismissed me and didn't even answer my question, so I huffed and repeated myself. This time I was talking to Nicki.

"But me, you, Bo, and Trey still gotta get dressed."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now what I need you to do is stay with Trey and keep him calm. I'm gonna go talk to my brother in the hallway. I'll be right back." Nicki started to walk away but I grabbed the back of her shirt and spun her around so she could face me.

"What Aubrey?"

"Damn babygirl," I licked my lips and smirked. "We just got together and you not even gonna give me a kiss?"

She gave me the same smirk that I gave her. "Fine." Nicki placed her balms on both sides of my face pulling me closer to her and shoved her tongue down my throat.

A nigga wasn't expecting a kiss like that... I just wanted a peck or some shit, but hey I ain't complainin'. Now I know what she like... sloppy and rough.

Nicki moaned into the kiss as she pulled away. I retaliated by grabbing two healthy handfuls of her ass and pulled her closer to me. I pecked her lips a few more times and watched her walk away.

Lexi's POV

During the car ride back to Nicki's place, I sat in the backseat on Tina's lap while she sat next to Day, who sat next to Marquis. I was singing my song for the dance tonight since I'm gonna be performing in front of everyone, but I haven't got my chance to rehearse at all.

"... Boy, you know all I do, is stay up all night losing sleep over you. All I do... Is drive myself crazy thinkin' 'bout my baby..."

I paused and took a sip of water while I waited for everyone's reaction. Zave was the first one to comment. His reaction made me spit out my water and crack up laughing because he's so damn goofy.


"YASSS HONEY!!!!" Dayna shouted making us all laugh. She's such a grandma callin' me honey... like bitch!

"Fuck you callin' honey? Do I look like Honey Bunches of Oats to you?" I said and Tina howled at my remark.

"Nah.. more like a honey bun." Britt snorted.

I waved her off and directed my attention to Marquis. "Quis how you like the song?"

It was silent for a couple minutes and I looked over to see him nodded. Mouth all open with drool on the side of his face and shit. I tapped Zave on his shoulder and pointed to Quis. Zave leaned over to Britt and told his girl to slam on the breaks. As soon as she did that Quis fell forward hitting his head on the back of the passenger seat and jolted up lokin' around the car like a lost puppy as we all laughed.

"Y'all ain't right."

Mama Nani's POV

Me and big daddy was just coming upstairs from the home gym to somebody bangin' on the door like they 5-O. I rolled my eyes thinking it was these damn kids tryna get dressed for tis dance they got goin' on at they lil school.

"Wait a damn minute!!!!!" I yelled and the banging stopped. I used my twol to wipe off the sweat dripping from my body as big daddy answered the door.

"Wassup y'all?" He greeted. The girls rushed in with the boys right behind them. They all said 'hello' and rushed up the stairs. Big daddy looked outside looking for our kids and Drake, but he didn't see them come in.

"Where 'dey at do'?" He turned and I shrugged my shoulders in response, thinking that they came in with the rest of these kids.

Christina came rushin' down the stairs and rushed straight towards me and my husband.

"Nicki, Drake, Trey, Bo, and Lira are all at the hospital. Lira fainted and I ain't sure if it's my responsibility to tell you why. They still waitin' fo' the doctor... we all tried callin' y'all but y'all wasn't answerin' y'all phones so we came over here. After the guys get dressed you and the guys are gonna go back to the hospital and the girl's will meet yall there and we'll just figure out a plan from there." She explained and waited for our reactions.

I was frozen while big daddy rushed upstairs to get our phones. All the boys jogged down the stairs and back out the door.

"Dang they got dressed fast!" I heard Tina say which made me snap out of my daze.

"Thank you baby. Go get dressed and tell Game to meet us in the car when he come back down stairs." I kissed her temple and made my way out the door.

As soon as I walked out I heard big daddy rushing out slamming the door behind him. He jogged up next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we speed walked to the car.

"What's wrong with my baby?" He asked in a small voice.

"I don't know," I replied back with the same small voice he had. "I hope she's okay tho'..."

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